Somatic Awareness Coach, Somatic Experiencing practitioner, Emotional Resolution Certified


Hi, I'm Eva

I have more than 30 years of experience helping others transform their lives.

I hold a safe place for you to feel heard and seen to resolve your blocks, and Come Alive!

You will learn to live the life you love!

I have “been there, done that”. I have lived my own journey through recovery and beyond.

I started my journey of self-awareness and Integral Healing in 1990 after having to turn off the life support for my daughter Kristina. I have now been in the field of personal development and coaching for more than 30 years.

I  was certified as

  • An Integral Coach in 2002
  • A Somatic Experiencing Practitioner in 2008
  • An Emotional Resolution Practitioner in 2015

I help you resolve emotional pain and discomfort from trauma and other overwhelming experiences. You will end addictive behaviors and create new supportive habits to find Ease and Comfort. 


You will learn new methods and tools to understand your own true thoughts, feelings, and abilities, and begin to live the life you want.

I have used a multitude of avenues to heal my Self, and develop my own body-mind connectedness and wisdom.

My training and personal experiences have created a wonderful mixture of awareness and expertise to support clients who suffer from early childhood trauma, domestic violence, rage, anger, psycho-somatic body pain, anxiety, internal stress, grief, and addictive behaviors of all kinds.


"I liken the body to a pressure cooker. You put the lid on. You lock it down. You put it on the stove and turn the heat on. In other words, you’re born."

Every pressure cooker has a valve that relieves the pressure to keep it even and manageable for the pot, so the lid doesn’t fly off.

As humans, our valves that release the pressure may be a book, a cigarette, a glass of wine, sex, food, exercise, or the Internet.

These valves become a way of releasing pressure, escaping, or numbing ourselves, so we don’t feel too much pressure from the heat. These valves help us to avoid exploding or having our “lid fly off”.

Some of us have the luxury of living a "life of simmer".

These people have support as they grow up. They get to go to school. They marry. They have a career. They bring children into the world. So they might not need the release valves too often because the heat is manageable. After a stressful day, they may have a glass of wine.

Or they may feel the need to exercise or just to “check out from life” with the help of a movie or a book. All are acceptable healthy ways to stay in balance and let off steam.

Others, however, including me, didn’t have that luxury... my life, the heat was turned up very early - broken boundaries, neglect, rape, violence. It all made me need bigger valves... glass of wine worked…until it didn't. One turned into two, turned into a whole bottle. But I managed my pressure and pain with the booze.

I managed for more than 15 years. Alcohol was my valve. I started at the age of 13. I had a glass of red wine. Wow! That felt so good going down. And the best part of it was that it numbed the discomfort in my body.

The jitters, the shaking, the cramp in my stomach, the pressure in my chest, it all got “softer”. It didn’t feel so “sharp” and painful anymore.

I quickly learned that vodka worked even better, and used alcohol to medicate for the next 17 years.


I remember the day I stormed into my therapist’s office and demanded to know why she had not offered me medication.

What my therapist said put me on the journey I am on now.

"If I offer you medication, I offer you an umbrella. You will not feel the rain, but you will not feel the sunshine either."

I felt stuck.

I asked her, "So, when I close the umbrella, I have still not figured out how to deal with the weather, right?"

With a smile, she said, “Nope!”

That’s when I understood that MY healing had to come from my core. I had to find a way to deal with the weather.

My Mission

I want to teach you the skills to get unstuck from what is holding you back.

The goal is for you to no longer need my services.

You will then have resolved your blocks and become a stronger and more relaxed well-balanced human being.

You will experience the freedom to be YOU!


Here's how I can help.

Transforming Lives for 30+ Years

I offer compassionate support and effective tools for transformation. As a Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner (SEP) and Emotional Resolution Practitioner (EmRes), I guide others to find clarity and peace on their path to Ease and Comfort.


You will not have to re-live your story; you do not even have to tell your story. The process works!

We do not have to go back and re-live a trauma to heal from it.

Working with me

The perfect


 if you...

Experience any of the following:

  • Anxiety
  • Anger issues
  • Depression
  • Addictions of any kind
  • Triggers or ticks
  • Feeling stuck in a pattern
  • Wanting to recover from trauma 

Want to feel:

  • Emotional stability
  • Emotional pain resolution
  • Resolution of addiction
  • Relief from depression 
  • Ability to resolve anger
  • Release from ticks or involuntary body movements
  • Un-stuck 


Are anxiety and emotional pain holding you back from the life you want? If you could resolve your stress, how would your life look?


Download my FREE ebook Release Your Emotional Straight Jacket and Come Alive and learn the simple and effective tools to getting yourself unstuck.


Disclaimer: I am not a psychologist or therapy professional. You should always seek the advice of a professional before deciding the right treatment option for you or your child. Any advice I give is for educational and informational purposes only, and should not be considered medical, legal, or financial advice. Consult with a medical doctor before making any changes to your Self or your child’s lifestyle. This website is for information only and not a replacement for professional diagnosis, medication, or therapy.